Focus T25 Workout Calendar Download

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I often receive requests for the schedule and calendar. I wanted to make it easy for my readers to find it so I created this post to share links to the T25 schedule. I prefer my calendars in color, so the primary images and pdf files are in color, but for those that want to save on ink, I have included a black and white version as well. The links for the T25 workout calendar PDFs are toward the end. I hope you find the T25 schedule and calendar helpful.I had a lot of fun when I completed the T25 workouts. As I have mentioned in the past, cardio is not my thing, and I have always been afraid of Shaun T workouts. But I figured, “25 minutes, I can do 25 minutes!” And you know what?

Not only was I able to complete both the Alpha and Beta phases of the schedule, I went on and completed the Gamma phase as well. I have to admit I followed the modifier a lot in the beginning. I even followed her quite a bit on the more intense workouts, but I truly enjoyed it and had a great workout!The Focus T25 workout includes two phases in the basic workout: Apha and Beta. Each phase is 5 days a week for 5 weeks. Each day is one 25 minute workout, except Fridays, which is a double workout. Shaun T has included STATurday to update your stats and Sunday is used for stretching.


And please, don't skip the stretch! Your lower body will thank you for it!The advanced round is called Gamma. It is an optional round, but I definitely recommend it! It is also 5 days a week, but it is only 4 weeks. Each day is a single workout, and Friday's double depends on if you following the Pure Gamma schedule or the Pure Strength hybrid schedule.

Focus T25 Schedule Calendar – AlphaAlpha is the introductory phase of Focus T25. It will get your body used to the moves and the workout time. You do not take breaks in T25, you move from one exercise to the next until the full 25 minutes is up.The Alpha phase includes the following workouts:. Cardio. Speed 1.0. Total Body Circuit. Ab Intervals.

and Lower Focus. Focus T25 Schedule – BetaFocus T25 Schedule Calendar – Pure GammaOnce you have completed the two basic phases (Alpha and Beta), you have an option to continue with the Gamma round. Gamma is set up with two different calendars, depending on your goals. Pure Gamma is designed to burn off the remaining fat you are still carrying after the first two rounds. The intensity goes up and the best part is Friday is a single workout. Not really, the best part is the results you get at the end!Pure Gamma includes the following workouts:. Speed 3.0.

Rip't Up. Extreme Circuit. and The Pyramid. Focus T25 Schedule – Pure Strength HybridFocus T25 Schedule Calendar – Pure Strength HybridIf you want to bring back a little weight training to your routine, you will want to follow the Pure Strength Hybrid Gamma workout schedule. Shaun T uses the fat blasting workouts of the Pure Gamma phase and brings back some of the strength building workouts from the Beta phase.The Pure Strength Hybrid schedule also brings back the double workouts on Fridays, so watch out!This version of the Gamma phase includes the following workouts:. Speed 3.0.

Rip't Up. Extreme Circuit. The Pyramid. Total Body Circuit. Dynamic Core. and Upper Focus. Focus T25 Schedule – Pure Gamma The T25 Workout Schedule PDFsAs I mentioned in the opening paragraph, I prefer my workout sheets in color.

If you do as well, you can find the PDFs at the following link:I created a black and white version for anyone who prefers it or just wants to save on ink. It looks similar to the image below.This T25 workout schedule PDF can be found at the following link:I hope you decide to try. Please let me know what you think. If you found this helpful in any way, please be sure to share it. Please if there is anything I can do help you on your journey.

. 9 shares.In the past year, Beachbody has released a number of workout programs that are less time consuming than most. The idea is that you can spend less than 30 minutes a day working out and still get results! Shaun T has recently released Focus T25 which is an athletic based full body workout program. In T25, you go through two phases (Alpha and Beta) and need to commit to 5 weeks in each phase.It will take 10 weeks to complete the program and you’ll workout 5 days a week, with one day of rest and one day to stretch.

I decided to do a full review of T25 and breakdown if the workouts and nutrition plan really works! Who Is Focus T25 Designed for?. This program is for men and women who have an intermediate to advanced level of fitness.

If you are still new to exercise, this program might be too intense. Although there is a woman who does low-intensity a low-impact option if you need to modify. I recommend those new to working out to either try the or Shaun T’s. People who enjoy an athletic style workout without complicated choreography.

Other workout programs have tricky moves and choreographed routines you need to learn. This program relies on simple athletic moves that are fast-paced, intense and easy to follow. Men and women who lead BUSY lives! Let’s be honest, who doesn’t?.

Focus T25 Workout Calendar Pdf Download

If you have a full-time job or are taking care of a family, you likely don’t have time to spend a few hours going to and working out at the gym. Focus T25 guarantees results in under 5 weeks per phase by dedicating only 25 minutes a day to working out. You will burn a lot of calories even in such a short workout because the workouts are fast-paced and intense!My Personal T25 ReviewOkay, so on Day 1 I grabbed my ready to record my stats and do the first 25 minute workout of the Alpha Cycle. The first workout is 25 minutes long (before the cool down) and is called “Cardio”It delivered exactly what I thought it would. I was DRENCHED in sweat afterwards and my heart was in peak mode nearly the entire time.

I am at a high level of fitness and endurance and this workout kicked my butt!Shaun T gets STRAIGHT into the moves from the start with no boring and long warm-up. He still will get your body warm with lower-intensity cardio moves before they ramp it up. By the end of the 25 minutes, you’ll be covered in sweat and begging for that cool down.I have done plenty of workout videos that were 45-60 minutes long and were such a drudgery.

Getting a powerful workout in that is effective is such a short amount of time is a huge perk. It saves you tons of time and is less intimidating than popping in an hour long DVD.

That was my first opinon of the series, so now I want to give you an overall view of the entire program! The Alpha Phase – 5 Weeks (Level One). “Cardio” of the Alpha PhaseIn the first 5 weeks of the program, you’ll do 5 workouts a week. On Friday, you’ll do two workouts before your two days of rest/stretching. Each workout is different and will target the entire body or different body parts on specific days. You’ll have one day of rest per week and one day to focus on stretching out your body. Don’t workout 7 days a week or your body won’t have time to recover.

Stretching is also important to help increase your flexibility and make sure you won’t get sore after each workout. Especially when doing lunges or squats which can lead your muscles to feel really tight. The Alpha Workouts:. Cardio. This workout is a total body cardio routine. You’ll do a variety of athletic exercises involving jumping jacks, mountain climbers, skipping, hop squats and more. Each move is short and sweet before moving to the next.

After the routine finishes, you’ll move into a cool down for 2 minutes. Speed 1.0. Total Body Circuit. Ab Intervals.

Lower Focus. Attention: The internal data of table “6” is corrupted!

Do I Need Any Special Workout Equipment?That’s the joy of this program – you use your own body weight to help you burn calories. However, I do recommend a yoga mat for some of the exercises that work your core.

Or also if you are prone to slipping and sliding on wood or tile flooring, a yoga mat can be great to run or jog on. It can also help decrease any joint pain from landing on a hard floor if you suffer from knee problems. Focus T25 Eating Plan and Nutrition GuideSo everyone knows that the most important component of weight loss is what you’re putting in your mouth. If you don’t believe that, you should.

You could do 5 workouts a day, but if you are stuffing yourself with chocolate bars and deep fried food on a daily basis, you will NOT lose weight. You need the right fuel to stay healthy and energized. And you need to make sure that you are burning MORE calories on a daily basis than you are consuming to lose weight!Included in your T25 package is a full nutrition guide. However, it isn’t that great. It basically tells you that you need to calorie count – which is true.

But counting each item of food can be exhausting and annoying. I have a solution for that which I’ll discuss shortly.The premise of the eating plan is to eat smaller meals instead of 3 big ones. Eat 5 small meals a day to keep your body energized and fueled throughout the day.The program contains the following formula to determine how many calories you need each day: The 4 Step Calorie Quiz. Are you male or female?. If you’re a female, add 1 point. If you’re a male, add 2 points. How much do you weigh?.

If you weigh less than 130 pounds, add 1 point. If you weigh more than 130 pounds, add 2 points. How active are you?

(Aside from your Focus T25 workouts). If you live a sedentary lifestyle, add 1 point. If you are moderately or highly active, add 2 points. Add your points together. If you scored 3 points, you’ll be eating around 1200-1500 calories per day. If you scored 4 or more points, you’ll be eating 1600-1800 calories per dayNow I recommend using this formula to determine how many calories you should eat per day.


Free Download Focus T25 Workout

But rather than calorie count every spoonful of peanut butter or ketchup you use, there is a better solution. By using the portion control containers that are popular in other, the 21 Day Fix and Cize – you can avoid calorie counting altogether. You simply invest in some portion control containers and use the tally sheets I have on my Etsy shop to tick off how many containers you eat each day.This is optional but makes following any workout program a total breeze.

What Results Can I Expect Using T25?Your results will be determined by how much effort you pour into the program. If you do 2-3 workouts a week and don’t monitor your calorie intake, you’re not going to do so hot. You might maintain your current weight but you won’t lose weight.If you workout 5 times a week and follow the nutrition plan using the color containers, you WILL have success.

Focus T25 Workout Download

Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated What’s Included in my Focus T25 Package?There are two different packages you can get. The first one is the basic kit which has everything you need to get started with the Alpha and Beta phases.

The second kid is the deluxe version which contains several extra workouts and equipment.