Dragon Naturallyspeaking Sdk Client Edition Price

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  1. Dragon Naturallyspeaking Sdk Client Edition Price List
  2. Dragon Naturallyspeaking 12 Premium Dow…

Product Information. You never go back to traditional tasking once you experience the benefits of Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 software. Work through tutorials and learn how to improve your dictation and the best way to set up instructions that work fluidly with the program. Work hands free while issuing commands to your personal computer (PC) to open your email program as you give further instructions to click through menus. Dictate a recipe to your PC and communicate where to save the file. By setting up common directives used frequently, you no longer need to use your mouse or keyboard.

As you become more proficient with the speech recognition software, you find new ways to bark out orders and expect results. Dragon allowed me to continue writing after a serious wrist injury.Purchased this product, due to a wrist injury, that prevented me from writing/typing. Had seen the advertisements on TV, then did some research. Also read some reviews.The Naturally Speaking 12 Premium, came out on top. The software was easy to install, and the box came with a headphone. I already had one, so am using the new one on my laptop. Works great!The software however, needs to learn how you speak, inflictions, slang and the like.

There is a series of text they give you to read, so the program can learn. Although necessary, I found this tedious and boring. That said, if you want the program to learn your speech patterns you have to use this system.Once it gets the hang of your speech, it's fairly easy. Since I write a lot, I keep it active at the top of my computer.

I have it set, so I can turn it on/off manually, but you can also activate it when your computer turns on.When you start to talk, a dialog box pops up and converts your speech to text. I have found it easier to type one paragraph, do some regular editing, then transfer to my writing program.You have to learn to speak clearly and precisely, but with some practice it comes easy. Over time, it is supposed to learn more about your speech, but I haven't used it long enough to find out.If your handicapped in some way, this is a great little program.


Dragon software is so convenient and I would highly recommend itThis is a wonderful product. I'm not a touch typist and get some soreness in finger joints so it is especially good for me.My enunciation is only average yet Dragon 12 still picks up what is said 95% of the time and I haven't finished training it yet. It takes effort but is worthwhile.Something that should be noted however:Dragon asked if I would like it to review all my emails and documents so it could better learn how I communicate and had an attached 'privacy policy'. I tried clicking on both the international and American policy link and neither worked. This is obviously just a bug but for something so important you would think they would ensure that it is functional.To the question whether I wanted to have emails and documents scanned I selected 'no'.That being said, Drag on seems to be learning my speech very quickly and is becoming more accurate with each session.Something else I should highlight; I purchased the 'Andrea NC181VM USB' headset from elsewhere as an extra simply because it is far more accurate than the standard headset supplied. It is definitely worth the extra cost.

This is a single ear headpiece and I think much better than the Andrea twin headset version (NC185) because you can hear what you say more clearly.I have no experience with Logitec headsets and Dragon combination, however the general consensus seems to be they are not very well suited. Get the Andrea headset, it will save you a great deal of frustration.This purchase was for installation on only one computer however there are twin or five user versions available.If you're in the medical or legal field there are also specific versions for that. They cost more of course but I would certainly recommend you obtain the right Dragon for your needs otherwise you will spend an inordinate amount of time training it up on many particular words relevant to your profession.Many people would prefer to use a wireless headset and I can understand why, however keep in mind that they will not be as accurate as the Andrea NC181 USB headset and will require you to train your Dragon for longer.

If you do decide that wireless is either more convenient or imperative to your needs then I recommend you purchase a quality headset. A very basic Bluetooth headset will most certainly be more frustrating than it is worth.Something obvious but essential to remember is turn your microphone on before you start any session. Saying 'Mic off' does work but 'Mic on' does not work when the microphone is turned off (either via software or physical disconnection). It would be horrible to chatter on for a ½ hour, especially when you are inspired, only to find nothing was recorded:(Sounds silly right, but I bet that has happened to thousands of Dragon users worldwide.I see Dragon 13 will be available soon and all it costs is $99US to upgrade (price is only that low via pre-order), but it's currently a month or two away. It's supposedly 15% more accurate off the bat than version 12 / 12.5 but by then my software should be fully trained up, so it would want to be pretty damn good and have a lot more features to warrant the extra expense.Using a mobile voice recorder seems like a great idea, however there are associated problems.

It seems the 'professional version Dragon' is better suited to transcribing from recorder. It can be achieved with 'premium Dragon' however you may experience difficulty.Mouse over image to zoom.

NaturallyspeakingDragon Naturallyspeaking Sdk Client Edition Price

Dragon Naturallyspeaking Sdk Client Edition Price List

Thoroughly impressed with this software. Highly accurate!I tried using Windows Speech Regognition over the years and it was terrible. Dragon is light years beyond what I expected.

It truly is almost 100% accurate.My system is a 7 year old 32 bit Vista machine with 4 gb ram with a now ancient intel dual core processor. It runs fine but does have moments of heavier than desired load causing a few delays. Anyone with the newer machines should be even more impressed. The software states that my sound system quality is poor and I just ignore that part and it still works great. My computer is connected to a 40” flat panel television and when I plug in the headset they take over the sound so I don’t know why it doesn’t like the quality.It is kind of strange talking instead of typing and seems to cause me some creative flow issues but I think it wi ll get better with time.It is really cool to speak naturally and at a normal pace and see the words appear with such high accuracy. Editing the few mistakes is a breeze. The mistakes are so few that you don’t get aggravated like with Windows Speech Recognition.Cons:The software does ask to gather data from your machine.

Dragon Naturallyspeaking 12 Premium Dow…

Emails, documents and such. They want to use it to help them better their product.The problem I see with that is they want to collect it and send it to their servers. I declined to do that since I don’t want all my correspondence and documents used and available for them and all their third party affiliates to rummage through. I didn’t like that part but they did make sure to give privacy statement links and clear options to decline.No other choice if you want to dictate on your computer.