Download Save Game Suikoden 1 Psx
Simple serial transport specification. I have the last save on Suikoden and since my Suikoden II is scratched pretty bad, I had to make an ISO to play on epsxe. The game runs fine but it doesn't read my Suikoden save, but when I was able to do it through my Playstation it would read. By the way, I'm using the North American version for both games.EDIT: I just extracted the lone Suikoden save off my memory card instead of my entire card and I tried again.
I tried card 1 with no luck, then card 2 with again no luck. I went back to card 1 and my save was there. I don't know what happened but I proved that it can be transferred. Hmm, this can be funny but. A friend of mine had exactly the same problem using epsxe 1.7 ( bios scph1001) when he tried to load the saved state ( he had US version of both Suikodens).
In suikoden II, when the first screen appears ( NEW GAME and Continue ) choose New Game and the game will ask you if You want to load saved data from Suikoden 1, and if You have the proper versions of both games ( check it using daemon tools ) it should be okay. I know it sounds pathetic,but a lot of people complained about that, beacuse they tried to load the game in the first screen and got this 'no suikoden data detected' message.
Unfortunately, you can't go direct from the webpage to your PS3: The files are compressed Zip files that need to be expanded.(Edited to add: Actually /some/ of the files are compressed, and some are straight up PSV files. I'll have to look into this deeper.)If you have a USB memory stick, you can use this to get the PSVs to your PS3.Here's a handy reference for how you should set up your USB memory stick for file transfers:Also the site isn't /consistent/ as to which saves are zipped or not, and which saves are NAMED PROPERLY.For example, a PS2 save might look like this:PS2BASLUS-213865F544F415F303031.PSVFor the PS3 to actually accept it as an import from a USB stick, it has to look something like this:BASLUS-213865F544F415F303031.PSVNote that I had to remove the PS2 part from the save file.Annoying. Anyway, I had posted this thread to help others out.
Suikoden Psx Rom
However, I can see how this might not be an ideal source of save games for people who won't sit down and tinker with them until they work.