Bihar School Of Yoga Pdf Download

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  1. Bihar School Of Yoga Books

Prana and Pranayama, by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, is a comprehensive book on the philosophy of prana the life force, and pranayama the expansion and control of the life force.This book offers a complete explanation of the science of pranayama as presented in the classical texts and as taught in the Satyananda Yoga Tradition by Bihar School of Yoga. The book explores the theory of prana and its related yogic concepts such as koshas, chakras, nadis and mantras. It also discusses respiratory physiology and current research undertaken on pranayama. The book also has a practical section, which contains particular guidelines for practicing pranayama, explained through instructions and illustrations. Throughout the book, biblical sources enhance the reader's understanding, bringing to light the unique spirit and intent of these classical teachings. I resorted to 'YOGA' soon after my retirement in December 2002.

The purpose then was to reduce my weight. My weight was then 86KG and now I am around 74KG. I was following the book authored by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, 'Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha'. Soon I landed into deep psychological turmoil threatening my life. Nevertheless, I endured by grace of Lord (within) and continued YOGA practices by following, 'A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya' by same author. The dormant power within me is awakened, and I am going through the painful processes of Mother Kundalini altering the metaphor of my body (soul)and taking me to highest level Consciousness as given in Bhagavad-Gita.I am now Ekalavya Shishya of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.This book titled, 'Prana and Pranayama' by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati of Rikhiapeeth is concurring with my inner voice on processes going on within me and it is by virtue of my Guru's grace that I have come across this.

I will soon be at Rikhiapeeth for initiation, if the grace of my GURU permits and seek blessings of Swami Niranjananada Saraswati, at his Lotus feet.Vasudeva Murthy Vadlakonda from HyderabadMail ID: @.

Relaxation does not mean sleep. Relaxation means to be blissfully happy; it has no end.

I call bliss absolute relaxation; sleep is a different matter. Sleep gives only mind and sense relaxation.

Bliss relaxes the ātma, the inner self; that is why, in tantra, Yoga Nidra is the doorway to Samādhi.”– Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Yoga Nidra, pub. Bihar School of Yoga, 1976.Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a newcomer to the world of yoga, meditation and mind-body healing, it’s important to understand that Yoga Nidra has two different meanings. Yoga Nidra has two distinct meanings 1. A Yoga-tantra technique. Yoga Nidra PracticeYoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation and meditation technique derived from ancient tantra and developed by Swami Satyananda of the Bihar School of Yoga. This technique induces deep body-mind relaxation with the ultimate goal of increasing self-awareness.The Yoga Nidra technique enables you to remain aware while you enter into the dream and sleeping states of consciousness.

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Bihar school of yoga

Bihar School Of Yoga Books

The state of Yoga Nidra occurs when you can remain conscious during the deep sleep state (called prajna in the Mandukya Upanishad).The technique is practical and easily accessible, while creating deep relaxation for health, mental peace and higher awareness. Ultimately, Yoga Nidra enables you to experience exalted states of higher consciousness. 2. An Indian philosophical concept.

Vishnu in Yoga NidraMany Indian philosophical and mythological texts refer to Yoga Nidra as the state that occurs when the Indian god Vishnu sleeps at the time when creation is destroyed (called pralaya). Vishnu is the cohesive power of the universe, so when he sleeps, the universe dissolves.Modern usage of the term Yoga Nidra typically refers to the relaxation and meditation technique developed by Swami Satyananda, rather than to the state of absorption into the highest Self. The beginnings of Yoga NidraFew people realize that the Swami Satyananda is the originator of Yoga Nidra. He formulated the basis of this technique while serving as a disciple of his guru, the great yoga master Swami Sivananda, in Rishikesh, India during the 1940s and early 1950s.Swami Satyananda describes how, as a young student, he fell asleep while a nearby group of people chanted mantras – many of which he had not heard before.

Even though he was deeply asleep during the chanting, when he awoke and heard these mantras again, he seemed to know them. A yogi explained to Swami Satyananda that his subtle body had heard the mantras. Nyasa – awakening subtle energyThe characteristic feature of Yoga Nidra is the systematic rotation of consciousness in the body, which originated from the tantric process of nyasa (meaning ‘to place’ or ‘to take the mind to a point’).During nyasa, a yogi consciously touches various parts of his or her body while repeating mantras. When this is done in the prescribed manner, the yogi can awaken subtle energy within the physical matter of the body.